Securing Compensation For
The Wrongfully Injured And Their Families

Put Decades Of Legal Experience On Your Side After A Devastating Tractor-Trailer Accident

Truck accidents are among the deadliest hazards on roads and highways in Georgia and nationwide. Giant 18-wheelers and other large commercial trucks are far bigger and heavier than standard passenger vehicles, meaning that occupants of the latter are most likely to be killed or suffer catastrophic injuries in a crash.

If you were hurt or lost a loved one in truck accident in Georgia, contact me, Attorney Stephen LaBriola. I bring more than three decades of trial-tested experience in personal injury and wrongful death litigation, and I am ready to be your advocate both in and out of the courtroom. I have helped countless other clients, and I can help you, too.

Determining Fault And Liability After A Truck Crash

In many cases, truck accidents can be attributed to the negligence of the truck driver, trucking company, a company responsible for the freight or for the truck itself. Common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Fatigued and drowsy drivers
  • Truckers who speed, drive aggressively violate of hours-of-service rules in order to meet unreasonable delivery deadlines imposed by the trucking company or customer
  • Cargo loads that are unbalanced, too heavy or improperly secured
  • Vehicle maintenance and repair issues, especially worn-out brakes and balding tires
  • Negligence in hiring, training and monitoring drivers

Following a deadly or highly injurious crash, all of the parties mentioned above may attempt to blame one another in order to absolve themselves of liability. They may even try to blame you, the victim. Trucking companies and their insurers will be on the accident scene within hours to take control of the evidence and begin building a favorable narrative about the accident.

You cannot expect to take on these powerful defendants on your own. Instead, put my knowledge and experience to work for you. As soon as you hire me, I will begin a thorough and detailed investigation into the crash, naming all potentially liable parties in order to maximize your chances of a successful financial recovery.

Assessing Damages And Seeking Compensation

Truck accident litigation is typically high value and high stakes for all involved. As your attorney, I can help you calculate and pursue damages related to:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages from time spent unable to work
  • Permanent disability and costs related to adapting your home and vehicle to the limitations you now face
  • Economic Damages are the tangible losses you have suffered as a result of your injuries and can include any past or future medical expenses, lost wages or diminished work capacity if you are unable to work to the same ability as before, and property damages.
  • Non-Economic damages are more difficult to measure because they include the lasting impact of your injuries on your life – such as your pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Life Care Plans prepared by medical doctors and economists and CPAs that calculate the future costs of medical care necessary for life
  • The loss of someone you love as well as their lifetime of earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Vehicle damage

You can’t afford to leave money “on the table” after a truck accident. I will ensure that the true costs of your accident and injuries are reflected in your claim, and I will not entertain any settlement offer that fails to meet your needs or respect what you’ve been through.

Contact Me Today To Learn More

From my office in Atlanta, where I am a partner at Fellows LaBriola LLP, I represent truck accident victims and their families throughout Georgia. I offer free, no-obligation consultations so that you can learn about your legal options and discover how I can help you. To get started, reach out online or call me at 470-427-8038.